All offerings are guided by Body Trust® and Accessible Yoga® principles through a social justice and intersectional feminist lens. Fat and LGBTQ+ spectrum affirming. Equity pricing requests for all services completely encouraged. All sesh via Zoom; in person sessions in Southern California.
Explore Body Trust®, food comfort, and the notions of “health and wellness” from an entirely new and inclusive perspective. One time or recurring.
Contact me to set up a free, 20 minute consultation call to explore what it might be like to work together.
If your running has been impacted by food restriction and fear, self-doubt, body shame, obsessive data crunching, orthorexia, and never-enoughness, HELLO I SEE YOU. This is a group for folks working to bring the love, joy, fun, and hopeful spirit back to their running practice by distancing it from diet culture, size bias, oppression, and the inner critic. There is so much here to discuss with laughter, realness, and radical connection.
Focusing on defining, discussing, and demystifying orthorexia and behaviors connected to our cultural obsession with “clean eating.” Orthorexia is a stealthy motherfucker that is neither recognized nor talked about in any helpful way. This is an incredible opportunity to question why the practice of “feeling your best” can feel overwhelming and exhausting.
BODY TRUST® FOR 50+ (virtual)
Discovering the stories of your 50+ body: where you’ve been, how you’ve gotten here, where the path leads. Can we trust our process during this intense transition time? The wonder and bullshit of peri/'pause, and the climb to the other side. Invisibility as power; invisibility as grief. Movement, food, body image, all of it: holding space for ourselves and others as we explore the courage we need to connect to our body’s aging gig as a wise and infinite superpower.
Switch on that light, mofos—we’re back! An extraordinary group will spend an entire year together. A little power collective of eight will meet twice a month to discuss, develop, and hone a Body Trust practice, embark on reading and writing projects, learn with & from rad guest specialists, fuck the stupid patriarchy, hopefully (oh hell yes could we PLEASE) have an in-person gathering, and be welcomed into an incredibly loving, supportive, multi-generational community/family. THIS WILL BE FUCKING RAD. Lamplight regulars and alums—you, too!
Nine Week Body Trust® Collective
A once a year opportunity to gather live and in person with other folks exploring what it means to reject the oppression and shame of diet culture, body/weight bias, healthism, perfectionism, food fear, dominant gaze shit, and the denial of pleasure. Discussion, writing, shared reading, stillness/meditation, chill yoga, more discussion, snacks, love, love, and more love. Join us for this incredibly hard, radical, and important work.
Please join me and nine of your new rabble-rousing besties for a summer of Body Trust®, dismantling the oppression of diet culture and fat phobia, finding our way back to pleasure and comfort, discovering what embodiment actually is, and growing the kind of love and attachment to others that happens when we get time to tell and hear our stories. We’ll meet on Zoom, alternating Wednesday evenings and Saturday morning/early afternoons. We’ll have special guests, shared reading, no fucking stress, and seriously so much laughter and love and radical connection while we fuck the dominant dumbass paradigms.
Body Trust® in The Classroom (for teachers and school administrators)
Body Trust® for Movement Coaches
Body Trust® for Parents and Families
Orthorexia The Musical!